Friday 4 March 2016

Pick-up The Phone, Please

What's up with the "pick-up the phone, please" post title? No gimmicks or anything. But this time we want to convey something that is important to all of you. At J3 Tawau Car Rental, we will lock the car renter booking in our system. The pick-up and return time of the rented vehicle will be noted significantly. When it came for the time to return the car, we will call the renter back to re-confirm the time of when the car will be returned, what time the car will be at the airport etc.

Problems will arise if the car renter could not be contacted and out of reach. Whether he hung up the phone or did not answer the call at all. If we are unable to contact the renter, we will send sms or whatsapp. If we get a response message and the renter provided reasonable grounds why the car is not returned, we will not take any action and will wait (patiently).

But if we are not given any response message after a fairly long period, for example 24 hours, we will take action. Similarly, if the renter responds but the response given was suspicious and contain elements of fraud, we will take action. What actions will we take? First of all, after more than 24 hours and the renter did not pick-up our call or fail to call us back, or he/she sent fraudulent and suspicious messages, we will make a report at the police station. After a police report, we will post the renter's identification card and  driver's license snapshot on Facebook. We do this to ask help from local residents to help us identify the renter and at the same time helping us to get our car back.

Our intention to post the renter identification card and driver's license snapshot on Facebook have nothing to do with the intention to humiliate the renter or their family. If they are innocent, why should they be ashamed? Our goal is just to get our car back. Having managed to get our car back, we will delete the image immediately. Nearly 99.99% of our renters are honest people and we never got this problem. Only 0.01% of the renter will resort to such a mischievous behaviour and playing disappearing act with us. As a result, their identification card and driver's license is posted on Facebook for public viewing.

Thanks to 99.99% of our car rental customers who were good and honest. We really appreciate it. The other 0.01% , all we want to say is, be a good person and do not trouble others. We are grateful to this day because we always have the support of Tawau people. Although there are dishonest people among our renters, but with the help of residents of Tawau, we easily get our cars back. Thank you all. We really appreciate it. Thank you for everything ;)

Book your rental car now:
H/P: 014-9669-359 / 011-3966-3963

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